Forms of self-regulation existing in the Russian national domains .RU and .РФ as well as in the Cyrillic domain .ДЕТИ to prevent dissemination of illicit content will serve as a basis for a new bill. On June 28, the Russian Civic Chamber held a regular meeting of the Working Group…
The Smart Internet Foundation presented educational projects in the .ДЕТИ domain at an international conference in Troitsk
The XXII Conference of representatives of the regional scientist- educational networks RELARN 2017 was held May 31 – June 21, 2017. School and academia teachers and research organization representatives from different parts of Russia took part in it. Smart Internet Foundation was the organizer of the event supported by Coordination…
The Big Media Communication Forum 2017 / BMCF 2017 was held in Moscow on April 25-27 during the “Svyaz” exhibition. It was devoted to the trends of the development of the digital economy, as well as to the current issues of the media and communications industry. Representatives of the .ДЕТИ…
The 21-st Russian Internet Forum RIF 2017 was held in Moscow region on April 19-21. One of its main topics was presentation with results of the digital and mobile economics of Russia research. According to it the share of the Internet market in the country’s GDP is 2.8%; Runet population…
The main topics of the 9-th TLDCON International Conference were developing and supporting the domains in national languages.
Coordination Center For TLD RU (CC) and Moscow Center Of The Technology Modernization Of Education (Temocentr) have signed an agreement about scientific-technological cooperation in the area of counteraction against misuse of internet as part of the Netoscope project. Current participants in the project are: Group-IB, Coordination Center For TLD RU,…
OTTAWA, CANADA (February 3, 2014) – As new Internet domain name registries move from business plans to reality, attention now turns to marketing and sales. Smart Internet Foundation – the registry for .ДЕТИ – selected and its auction services platform to help accelerate their introduction to global markets. “Auctions are…
The Coordination Center has become an Organization Member of the Internet Society, a leading non-profit organization that promotes the open development, evolution, and use of the Internet for the benefit of all people throughout the world. As a member of the Internet Society, the Coordination Center will be able to participate…