Smart Internet Foundation has been in operation since February 2012. It has been founded by “Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ” – the administrator of national top level domains .RU and .РФ (national registry).
The main goal of Smart Internet is to develop children Internet in Russia and also to support humanitarian projects in web.
Our main project is new gTLD .ДЕТИ. This includes registration, development and technical support. Friendly domain .ДЕТИ is a platform that unites Russian-speaking children and protects them from online dangers. We believe that children Internet can be amusing and secure.
Smart Internet Foundation proposes to focus on the following themes:
• to teach parents and caregivers use the Internet safely, because their influence on children’s lives are the most critical.
• to increase our focus on supporting child-friendly web recourses.
• to ensure that experts who check the content of .ДЕТИ are valued, rewarded and trained.
• to address the main problems identified in numerous researches on the Internet security made both in Russia and the rest of the world.
• to ensure necessary intervention, protect children from cyber-bullying, aggressive advertisement, violence, pornography, pedophiles.