Netoscope helps monitor and cut short malicious activity on .ДЕТИ websites
The Smart Internet Foundation will continue to cooperate with the Netoscope online safety resource in 2018 to detect and cut short malicious activity and undesirable content in the .ДЕТИ domain (“kids” in english), which is considered to be one of the safest online places for children.
The Netoscope’s technical service submits regular reports regarding websites in the .ДЕТИ domain zone that divert the user or provide links to various malicious resources, such as phishing sites, malware resources or sites using obscene language. The response service of the Smart Internet analyzes these reports in keeping with the requirements of the company’s policy for fighting violations and abuse in the .ДЕТИ domain zone.
One malicious domain was found and deleted in 2017. It has not reappeared in this domain zone. Thanks to cooperation with Netoscope, all websites in the .ДЕТИ domain zone are currently safe for young internet users.
Netoscope is Russia’s first information and analysis project aimed at making the Russian domain space safer for users. Launched by the Coordination Center for TLD RU/РФ in 2012, Netoscope provides security information and analytical material about malicious online resources as well as anti-malicious activities. Website users can use an online domain check service and get information about various types of malicious activities reported by the project partners, which include the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor), Kaspersky Lab,, Rostelecom, Yandex, FIFA and many other companies and organizations.